6. Scholarz Playground
Playground will be where Scholarz holder or any other projects that would love to partner with us to play assortment of nostalgic mini-games that we will relive and make it competitive for $EXP rewards. There will be energy model implemented for users to ensure control over certain economic elements. In the long run, we envision Playground to be a platform for interested party to build their own mini-games and get royalties.
Some details that we can share right now without locking our options:
Access only to Scholarz Genesis, Scholarz Candidate, and Partner Collection
Playground will be filled with growing number of mini games by our team or external parties
Player versus player mode prioritized
Reward will be progression, energy, and rating-based
There will be leaderboards and achievements
Progression will have impact on Battleground
Playground-related quest(s)
Probability of 0% reward or reduced reward without School Structure
Scholarz Candidate Staking & Fractionalization for scholarship model
Last updated