3.2 New Tokenomics

Initiated once Genesis Scholarz minted out

Pre-mint: None Current Supply: 2,375,785 (or migration from old tokenomics) Supply Cap: None Smart contract: Yes Liquidity: Will be provided via Decentralized Exchange (ie. Uniswap) Liquidity Starting Price: $0.1 Buy Tax*: 10% that will be burned Sell Tax*: 10% to treasury where 5% goes to manual purchase of $EXP for Endowment Fund, 4% goes to EXP Shop Fund, and 1% goes to Development Fund

*We recommend using at least 12-15% slippage tolerance when executing trade in DEX and please do not forget to change back slippage tolerance every after trade *Sell Tax is also applied for $EXP transfer

Daily Max Emission: 250,000 fixed distributed across ecosystem and total Scholarz Genesis

Regular Emission Method: 1. Homework Emission: Capped at 80,000 / day distributed across homework type and total Scholarz Genesis Starting model: -Attendance: 20,000 / day / total Scholarz Genesis -Trivia: 60,000 / day / total Scholarz Genesis -Changes to homework emission will be made once there are more homework types and quest 2. Play-and-earn Emission: Capped at 100,000 / day distributed across energy-based game volume Starting model: -2,500 Scholarz Genesis at 4 energy / Scholarz / day -7,500 Scholarz Candidates at 10 energy / Scholarz / day -Partner Collection at X energy / day (TBD) 3. Learn-and-earn Emission: Capped at 60,000 / day distributed across module-based learning volume -7,500 Scholarz Candidate at 1 module / Scholarz / day 4. Partner Collection Emission: Capped at 10,000 / day distributed across Partners Collection that owned by Scholarz Genesis owner

Irregular Emission Method: Endowment Fund (section 3.3)

Burn Method: 1. Land Activation, Structure Cost, and Decoration Cost 2. $EXP Claim Cost : 10 $EXP per claim 3. Buy Tax 4. Minting of Future Collections : Scholarz Candidates, Pixel Scholarz, VX Scholarz, Scholarz Adult (TBA) 5. Partner Collection Access to Playground / Classroom (TBA) 6. Platform Access to Creators (TBA) 7. Scholarz Prediction Access (TBA) 8. Others (TBA)

Last updated