3.1 Old Tokenomics
Only applicable until all Genesis Scholarz minted out
Pre-mint: None Smart contract: None Liquidity: None Daily maximum emission: 250,000 fixed distributed across total Scholarz Regular Emission method: 1. Homework - Attendance --> 100,000 / day (lesser with no-shows) 2. Homework - Trivia --> 150,000 / day (lesser with wrong trivia answers) Irregular Emission method: 1. Homework - Submit Trivia --> 100 / submitted trivia (lesser with unapproved trivia); occasional, only 4 times held so far 2. Weekly events in discord --> up to 50,000 distributed across several activities 3. Scholarz stacking bonus --> up to 12.5% reward boost from having more Scholarz
Burn Method: 1. Minting Scholarz Genesis --> 6,000 / mint 2. External project whitelist auction --> up to 10,000 / auction
Our non-ERC20 $EXP was launched on 13th December 2021 and with existing tokenomics, our supply currently stands at 2,375,785 tokens or net emission of 39,596/day for 60 schooldays (Mon-Fri).
Last updated